People, Passion, Purpose

"Knowing your higher purpose, or your "why," in and out of the workplace helps define your ambitions and connects you to like-minded individuals working toward similar goals. At VSE, we are on a journey to discover our individual purposes and our business's "why" around the work we do as a team and the way we impact the world."

- Samantha

Our Purpose

The health and wellbeing of one billion people positively impacted.

As a purpose-driven company, we believe in having a positive impact that is bigger than anything we could achieve individually. While our purpose is ambitious, it is a driving factor that aligns our goals, projects, and visions. Because we believe so strongly in the impact of having a life driven by purpose, we encourage our team members to uncover their own personal purpose and find ways to work in harmony with our corporate purpose statement.

Holacracy is a tool that helps VSE create a happier, more motivating, and productive environment. It breaks down bureaucracy and constraints to enhance transparency, empowerment, agility, and action. Holacracy can enable continuous improvement, which helps us better serve our customers, grow our business, and maximize our brand’s value.

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Why We Innovate

People innovating for a better quality of life: It’s not just our mission, it’s our passion. For almost 30 years now, VSE has been innovating and using technology to support our vision. With a large R&D budget and belief in constant improvement, we have grown across industries, touched many communities, and vertically integrated within diverse markets.

Employees Leveling Up 

People Resource Center Works to Optimize VSE’s Employee Experience Voice Systems Engineering takes developing its employees seriously. It is why any employee can utilize a

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Employees Leveling Up 

How VSE Social Media Expert Keeps Up With The Ever-Evolving Industry Voice Systems Engineering takes developing its employees seriously. It is why any employee can

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Brands improving lives.

Join the team

We believe happy team members are essential to a great work environment. 

And we encourage you to reach your full potential.